Moderation and Balance

Food is our bodies friend and fuel.  The essential nutrients maintain our health and consuming whole nutritional foods (e.g. fruits, vegetables, protein, etc.) are certainly the best option.  If a person eats foods that are high in fructose corn syrup and saturated fats they are definitely putting themselves at an increased risk of a fatty liver, heart disease or various cancers.  At the end of the day it may sound too good to be true, but everything is okay in moderation.  Now, of course there are people living with Crohn's disease, Celica's disease, food allergies/intolerances and other complications that do not allow some to consume certain foods, but for those that can, moderation is typically an okay rule to follow.  The point is to not become too focused on the items being eaten.  It can be difficult at times not to tell ourselves that we should not eat something because others may judge us or we feel guilty because we did little to no physical activity.  Please do not be mistaken, there is no reason to live off of soda, french-fries and chicken tenders, but it is okay to treat yourself every now and then.  We are all human and if there is cake, eat it!  Find the balance your body needs to stay well physically and mentally.  Yes, the way we eat and what we chose to eat can make our bodies more physically healthy (inside and outside), but becoming too aware and allowing ourselves to over analyze our food intake mentally can be self destructive.  Do your research on healthy nutrition that is centered around balance and overall physical and mental health.  Find your poise, HC!
