Get Up & Move
If you haven’t noticed, humans have become increasingly more sedentary. Some may blame it on technology, others might blame it on a variety of different factors. Either way, we all sit too much throughout the day and the lack of physical activity is putting people at risk for certain health problems. Our bodies are amazing and they were made to move, but the majority of us choose to be inactive for more hours of the day than not. Now, don't get me wrong, if you go to the gym for an hour each day or if you practice two hours Monday through Friday, you are ahead of most people. However, is that enough? Are you capable of more? The answer should be, yes. There are so many ways around this issue and each one of us makes an excuse not to fix the problem or we just don't care enough. Listed below are five ideas to incorporate more movement throughout your daily routine…
1. Work standing up - at the office or in the classroom (if your teacher will allow it)
2. Active commercial break - do something physically active during every commercial or in between the next episode of the show you are binge watching
3. Listen to music and clean - whether you are tidying up your room or vacuuming the house, make it fun and play some songs (chores are a great way to stay active and it makes your life feel more organized which is an added bonus)
4. Play video games standing up - no one ever said you have to sit down and beat someone while playing Call of Duty
5. Go for a walk - go by yourself for a mental reset or take someone with you to vent or just talk (walking is easy and it gets you up on your feet)
Try these or get creative and make your own version. Come on HC, get up and move!
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